Campine has been listed on the Stock Exchange since 18 October 1936, originally under the name “Compagnie Chimique et Metallurgique de la Campine”. The share price can now be found under Euronext stock exchange code ‘CAMB’ and the name ‘Campine nv’.

Denominator: The corporate capital is represented by one million five hundred thousand (1,500,000) shares without nominal value:

  • nominative: 5.820
  • dematerialised: 1.494.180

Each share represents one vote.

Financial servicing

On 22 May 2024, the Annual Meeting decided to distribute a dividend of € 4.50 mio (this means € 3.00 gross per share) with payment date: 14 June 2024.

Financial calendar

  • announcement of annual results: end March of the next year
  • publication annual financial report: end April of the next year
  • general meeting of shareholders: 4th Wednesday of May at 11:00 am
  • publication half year results and interim financial report: first half of September of the current year
  • payment of dividend: 2nd Friday of June
    • record date: 1 working day before payment day
    • ex-date: 2 working days before payment day

Financial reports



The annual shareholders’ meeting is held each year on the fourth Wednesday of the month of May at 11 am at the registered office of the company or any other location as indicated in the convocation letter. If this day is a legal holiday, the meeting will take place the next business day.





In accordance with the transparency law of 2 May 2007 and the Royal Decree of 14/02/2008 regarding the disclosure of shareholdings, the holders of existing or potential direct or indirect participations in Campine are required to publicize their participations in certain circumstances to Campine and to the public in the form of declarations, the content of and arrangements for which are established by the above-mentioned legislation.

The notifications of participation must be submitted to the Campine: Karin Leysen,, T +32 14 60 15 49.

The observance of transparency rules, and in particular the conformity of the declarations with the legal requirements, is supervised by the Banking, Finance and Assurance Commission (FSMA)..

No statutory threshold is provided for in the Articles of Association of Campine NV, the legal threshold of 5%, and the multiples of it, are therefore applicable.

The 1,500,000 ordinary shares represent 1,500,000 voting rights.
Total capital: 4,000,000 €.

Current shareholder’s structure

Shareholder # shares % share capital
F.W. Hempel Metallurgical GmbH
Weißensteinstraße 70,
46149 Oberhausen, Germany
1.077.900 71,86%

Transparency declarations


Coordinated Articles of Association 11 September 2019


Coordinated Articles of Association 14 December 2017

  • Coordinated Articles of Association from: 14-12-2017
  • Modification of the Articles of Association from: 14-12-2017
